

Ultrasound Scanning - £45

Watch your ultrasound scan on our wide screen TV in clinic. From 28 days post mating, ultrasound imaging can be used to detect and confirm pregnancy. Both trained by Veterinary Imaging Solutions, to level 1 and use one of the most advanced portable ultrasound scanning machines on the market, the VIS scan pad.

At your appointment we will confirm pregnancy, give a rough estimate on number of puppies present, check viability of each puppy, and measure the gestational sacs for a more accurate due date.

This appointment will last approximately 15 mins


Microchipping - £10

Microchipping is now a legal requirement and every puppy must be microchipped by the time they go to their new homes at 8 weeks. Danny is a fully qualified microchip implanter and we use the smallest chips on the market meaning a much smaller needle. Most of the time the puppies hardly feel it at all.

Appointment time dependant on litter size but usually under 15 mins.

Cytology - £40

A painless procedure, a simple smear and examination of the cells under a microscope that can help us to determine optimal mating time in the bitch and also diagnose dangerous levels of bacteria, silent heats, split heats and false seasons.

Cytolic changes through the canine estrous cycle reflect changes in blood concentrations of estrogen. Rising levels of estrogen induce the cornification that is characteristic of smears examined during estrous. We start this process at around day 7/8 of the bitches season and more than one smear is often recommended.

Appointment approximately 15 mins.

Semen Collection /Analysis - £75

If you are looking to breed from your male dog then it is recommended to have his semen checked every 6/8 weeks so problems can be fixed before they cause infertility. If your male dog has not been recently active, it is also advised to collect from him several days before breeding. This will ensure any dead sperm are removed and will improve motility.

Appointment approximately 15 mins

Semen Shipping - POA

Domestic or international semen shipping using a chill medium and transport box and shipped next day delivery with Royal Mail or Fedex. Chilled semen can live for up to 10 days so your stud dog can be successfully used all over the world. We use only authentic Minitube mediums. Prices start at £150.